Monday, April 27, 2015



In project 2, I will basically use the same facade pattern from Project 1 on a simple and small building to achieve its full function.

1. Refine the pattern as adaptive components

Fix the problem in Project 1 by making the blade unit rotate symmetrically. Modify the parameters to keep the angle change and slope change available in the final project and even for different section of the facades.

2. Control the use of different types of blade unit with excel data

Create several types of blade units by changing the slope and other dimensions. Use excel data to select from different types of blade units on a building facade. The number and pattern of the blade units will be changed with the building shape.

3. Use sun direction to drive the parametric changes of the shading device

Get the sun direction vector and calculate the sun angles of each facade to generate the rotating angle for the blade units in dynamo. Hope to see the difference in each facade and with different sun directions.


1. Change the Family Types of the Panel Pattern

Four types of panel pattern were created with different blade lengths. These patterns were loaded to a simpler building mass created to show the pattern type change. 


The change of panel types were achieved by Dynamo. First, I selected all the divided surface family, and joined them to a list.

The the excel file created to generate the family types was loaded and read by the nodes.

All the four types were put into a list and I used the python script from an example in the early lecture. I changed the script a little bit, to make sure all the four types were included. With the divided surface family selected, the change family types package was used to complete the change.

2. Control the Rotation Angle of the Panels by the Sun Direction

Again using dynamo, the face of the building was selected to get the normal vector, and the sun direction was attained to make a projected vector. The angle as well as the dot value was generated with the two vectors. The angle was used to calculate the rotation angles for the blades on each side of the building, while the dot value was used to decide blades on which side would be rotated. 

After the rotation angles all calculated, the list of angles was repeated 12 times, since there were 12 units on each side of the building. Then I transposed the repeated list to create a final rotation angle list. All the divided surface family were selected and organized in the same sequence of the angle list. Finally the set parameter by name node was used to finish the rotation.

The panels would rotate according to the sun direction.
